How to administrate sick leave in France
Internago has summarised the procedures for when an employee needs to leave work because of illness. The sick leave document bundle for each…
Solidarity day – how it affects your payroll services in France
Internago French payroll team often gets the question about the “Solidarity day”. Below we have summarised a practical factsheet, and how it…
Payroll and business related measures in Italy during the COVID-19 crisis
In order to cope with COVID-19, the Italian government has prepared a comprehensive package for companies, that affect the payroll services…
Payroll and business related measures in the Netherlands during the COVID-19 crisis
Due to the COVID-19 emergency, the Dutch government has introduced the so called “NOW-regulation”. The regulation primarily focuses on…
Payroll and business related measures in Sweden during the COVID-19 crisis
To mitigate the financial consequences of Covid-19, the Swedish state has taken several important financial measures. Internago has…
Payroll and business related measures in France during the COVID-19 crisis
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the French state has planned a number of measures to support French companies and self-employed. Internago has…
New regulations for 2020 affecting your business activities in Sweden
The new year brings some important changes regarding the payroll in Sweden. Internago has put together a brief overview of the most…
Payroll in France – change update 2020
The new year brings some important changes regarding the French labour market. Internago has put together a brief with all the most…
Payroll update for the Netherlands – The Balanced Labour Market Act (WAB)
The new year brings some important changes regarding the Dutch labour market. We have put together a a short overview of the changes that…
Internago’s online payroll solution selected by Swedish company
A Swedish machine production company has chosen Internago’s online payroll solution for its subsidiary and employees in France. The reason…